Car Wreck, NaNo, Invasion Tips, Awards!
This post is just a catch-all of random things that have been going on lately. Treat it like a newsletter I suppose.
Wife Survives Highway Rollover!
NaNoWriMo Update!
I'm currently right on track for my goal of 90K. I know I'm taking at least one day off from writing, so I actually need to build up some margin. I'm finding several advantages of plotting vs pantsing, the main one being short-term goals. With pantsing, I know how the story starts, and I know about where it ends, but I have no idea how it happens. With Plotting, I know each major plot point, so I only need to focus on getting the characters to each point, which makes it a little easier to judge progress. However...the first week of NaNoWriMo always goes well so I'll be better able to judge this in a week. Look for my Week Two tips on Monday!
Blog Awards!
I received not one but two blog awards this week: Erica from Laugh. Write. Play. gave me my second excellent Kreativ Blogger Award!
Thank you very much!
And quillfeather from W.M.MORRELL gave me the coveted Honest Scrap Blogger Award!
Thanks! I don't know what Honest Scrap is, but it sounds great!
Apparently there are some conditions with these awards which I will pretty much ignore, but I will tell you a few things you might not know about me:
- My father was a professional synchronized swimmer.
- My mother performed Burlesque shows on Navy ships.
- I used to drive the NASCAR circuit before I was caught taking steroids.
- My daughter breeds champion muskrats and competes all over the world.
- My son has a rare genetic disorder which gives him superhuman strength and agility. We're discussing options with the CIA.
- Our dog once foiled a terrorist plot by chasing the terrorists into a deep well.
- None of these is they're still things you don't know about me!
Disagree With Me!
Nobody disagreed with my post Crossing the Threshold. Turns out I made a big mistake. It’s Crossing the First Threshold. Oops. See anything you disagree with? You could win.
Tips for Knowing the Aliens have Bad Intent!
Did anyone catch the series premiere of V? No one seemed distressed by the aliens, but they should have been:
- They came with no warning. And when they knocked down a few planes they said "oops."
- Beware of Greeks bearing gifts. 'Nuf said.
- They were far too sexy. Disguise is the first clue of deceit.
- They were using Mankind's Greatest Invention against us: Marketing. Have you ever met someone in Marketing you can trust?
- Has ANYONE ever watched or read Independence Day (ID4), War of the Worlds, The Day the Earth Stood Still, or Star Trek: First Contact? When giant space ships hover over major cities, it's BAD, m'kay? Heck, they even mentioned ID4 in the episode! WAKE UP!
Holy Crap what a scare. I cannot even imagine, but know it happened so fast it was only noise. PS Look at the Honda Pilot.
ReplyDeleteAnd about the honest scrap, crap, what we don't know about you and aliens, what we do know is you are full of scrap and fully capable of knocking the teeth out of NaNoW/E, so best of luck to you and congrats and good one for making through
making it through. Making it through...
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your awards, and I'm glad your wife is okay.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about the accident. Delighted to know your wife is OK.
ReplyDeleteIt appears you have a most colourful background!
Good luck with NaNo. I'm sure you'll do just fine :)
Glad the wife is okay. Can she drive yet? I think I might shake at the thought of getting behind the wheel after such an ordeal.
ReplyDeleteThe Honest Scrap award is just about blogging and commenting honestly. Which now begs the questions...should you keep it. I suppose you can since you were honest about lying to us.
Hey- I'm in Marketing! I'm very trustworthy, jaded maybe, but trustworthy nonetheless... luckily I don't have to sell anything. I leave those for the salesmen :)
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome- and I think it's awesome that you ignored the rules. I recently did that myself. The award wanted me to link 15 blogs! Gah- I don't have time for that :)
Glad NaNo is going well for you!
I'm miraculously still in one piece, but he left out one tiny piece of info about himself: he's terrible at attempted murder. He totally planted that road debris. I don't know how or when, but I'm pretty much positive it's his fault.
ReplyDelete(Also, I am probably a little "damaged" in my brainal area.)
A rollover. I'm glad no one hurt. And way to go on that WIP!