Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm a Slacker

Slacker Update's time to write an update about here goes:

  • Dawn's Rise: I've done 2 things:
    1. I've submitted the prolog and 2 chapters to for review. Unfortunately they run about a month behind so I won't see anything any time soon. This also requires that I read/critique at least one story a week for them.
    2. I've looked into this site that posts reviews of query letters...publicly. I wrote a 500-word summary but they need 400. I've gotten it down to 450 but it's hard to figure out what to cut. I think I may just re-write the whole summary because it's just plot points and doesn't capture the essence of the story. I also don't want to just post the whole plot off my story out there.
  • Wild Mary's Way: This is on hold right now. I like the story, and feel free to read the chapters I've posted so far. The story just needs far more work than I can devote to it right now. It's just not a great sample of my work.
  • NaNoWriMo: I have some ideas about a concept I'd like to do. I want to create a blog-based story, a cross between LonelyGirl15 and the War of the Worlds radio broadcast.
  • Running: I'm training for the Seattle Half-Marathon so each week I'm going to try to run a little further. Yesterday I ran 9 miles, and next Sunday my target is 10. I need to get in a 12+ milers before the race.
  • Puppy: She's doing great, I'm doing great. I guess my allergies adjusted, so we're keeping her. I hope I don't relapse because that would suck.
  • Ski Season: It's just around the corner. Once ski season starts, all bets are off.
Well, that's my update for today. I'm always trying to get stuff done but nothing seems to be happening. It's this damn TV season. I'm deliberately avoiding a lot of shows but they keep pulling me in.

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