Free Plot Idea #27

The only thing I ask is that if you use this idea, you ask me first, and then show me the finished product before anyone else, including Hollywood premieres.
OK, here we go:
The Government has subpoenaed some large company like Google (but not Google) for all their search records. These records number in the trillions, and the government wants them physically delivered to DC. These records live on thousands of servers. So what company X does is to put a ton of storage servers into a shipping container and then on to a truck. An "interesting" pair of people are tasked with driving this truck full of highly sensitive data to DC from California (or whereever).
The people on trial (mob, terrorists, rogue military, etc) will stop at nothing to stop and seize control of this truck. Sensitive data on almost every internet user in the world is now located in one place.
The unlucky pair have to fight off attempts to steal or destroy the truck, have some wacky social interactions, and then arrive at DC after an arduous journey.
There's some kind of unforeseen twist at the end, where either the people who subpoenaed the data are the bad guys, or Company X is the bad guy, blah blah blah, and our main characters need to make some hard decisions.
What do you think? Do I have a script here? Is this the next blockbuster?