Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s Off to Work I Go

Disney Bldg 007Are you ready for some news?

This is probably the hardest post I’ve ever had to write, but as of Monday, I’ve gone back to “work.” Like Jack Sparrow, I’ve searched the oceans for treasure and found a job. Yes, most people would be super-excited about started a new job. I mean I am, but at the same time, I’m really disappointed that my writing career is screeching to halt. (BTW I’ve sprinkled clues at to my new employer throughout this post).

This doesn’t mean my dream of being a published writer is over. I have not LOST.

This is my plan.

Write on the bus. Read on the bus. Give up a couple iPhone games I love. Give up at least 1 of the 3 writing groups I’m in. Give up watching a bunch of TV shows I like. Give up going to the gym (kinda was forced to give this up anyways due to ankle issues).

What I’m not giving up:

  • My dream of being a published writer with multiple published novels.
  • The wonderful world of NaNoWriMo (won twice while working full-time)
  • Steam Palace. I will publish this one way or another.

Give up yet on my new employer? Well it’s a small world after all, so keep your mouse ears on.


  1. If there was any way to do it, this is it!! Believing in yourself! You'll get there. At least on the bus you may find some interesting characters!

  2. Ok, come on! Disney? Freaking awesome, I wish I worked for Disney!
    And I also work full time and it's totally manageable, swear. Once you get used to the pace, it's not so bad : )
    And about the writing: Guess we`re on the same boat!


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