Friday, November 21, 2008

Blogvel Update 5

Blogvel Update 5

Things are really heating up. With little over a week to go, everything is beginning to unravel. The kewl thing is that I finally introduced a kid into the story. I literally have this as the third line of my planning notes for this year's NaNo: "What about a kid?  Where can we throw a kid into the mix?"
Her name is Julia and she's a Filipino orphan brought to the pirate ship through human trafficking. I think she definitely brings a new dimension to the story. There is a ton of things I can do with her, being a hormonal teenager and all, but for now she's going to me more of a foil for the other characters.

Coming soon: be prepared for "Nuclear Thanksgiving."  It will blow you away.

Here is the up-to-date list of chapters in order. PINK is Agent Ellie, BLACK is Alex Ross:

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