A Little Better

There are some nice things about running a race at night. I don't get any stomach issues for one. Also it's nice a cool, although it was a bit on the humid side. There's no sun beating down, and my feet felt good.
One thing that did shock me were the race shirts. For some unknown reason they decided on hot pink shirts. I could see this for RFTC or some women's race but really...how do you expect to advertise yourself if no one will wear your shirt? I don't think my wife or kids will wear it. It's the most hideous race shirt I've ever received. I don't know what goes into the design of these things but they really needed to think this one through.
So overall the race went well. It was really crowded at the start but I felt stronger than I've been in a while. The course is fairly hilly but with nothing too steep. I beat my year-to-date best by a second, so I think I'm finally turning the corner. The next 5K I do is in a month so I hope to really attack that one.
So now it's on to the Ragnar Relay, 16 miles in 3 legs...we'll see if I can do it.
Good luck with the Ragnar Relay. We have one here in Phoenix in the spring. I have a couple of friends that did it this year and had a blast! Have fun with it.